Natural Garden of Naples


Zinc is found in every cell and is required for overall health, including optimal brain health, wound healing, healthy blood sugar, growth hormones, memory formation, and cognition. Zinc is involved in DNA repair, synthesis, and cell division, as well as in protein synthesis necessary to make neurotransmitters. Zinc is also important for supporting immune, eye, and skin health. Zinc also supports normal growth and development during pregnancy, childhood, and adolescence and is required for proper sense of taste and smell. Zinc plays a key role in insulin regulation and carbohydrate metabolism. The body does not have a unique storage system for zinc, therefore this essential mineral is required daily to maintain a steady state.

The zinc in our Whole Food Zinc is unique as it is produced from the probiotic yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The fermentation process of Saccharomyces cerevisiae produces essential vitamins and minerals and food grown zinc is the highlight of our product. Food-based zinc is combined with a whole food organic nutrient blend of five organic plant-based ingredients to further support overall health.

The Product

  • Vegan
  • Soy Free | Dairy Free | Gluten Free
  • No GMO ingredients
  • No artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives
  • One tablet of our Whole Food Zinc offers 20 mg of elemental zinc produced from fermented probiotic Saccharomyces cerevisiae 
  • Additional Organic Whole Food Blend with organic spinach, rice, pumpkin seeds, carrots, and blueberries
  • Convenient food-based zinc tablet can be taken with or without food


Nature's Garden of Naples

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